Customer's Data:

    1. Sketch of the machined part:


    2. Execution:

    2.1. Flutes:
    Right spiralLeft spiralStraight
    2.2. Rotation direction:
    Right handLeft hand
    2.3. Cooling:

    2.4. Shank:

    DIN 6535-HA

    DIN 6535-HB

    DIN 6535-HE
    2.5 Spiral angle:

    3. Machine:

    3.1. Type of machine:
    3.2. Type of spindle:
    3.3. Power[kW]:
    3.4. Max. rotating speed[RPM]:
    3.5 Add a picture

    4. Notes:

    *I agree to receive commercial information from Fabryka Narzędzi FANAR S.A. located in Ciechanów, ul. Płocka 11, 06-400 Ciechanów. I can withdraw my consent at any time. Read more RODO